The Women's Suffrage Movement: A Struggle for Political Power

Women's Suffrage: NOW

          Compared to the earlier years, when women weren’t given the right to vote, women have evolved drastically. Instead of being practically worthless, women have now progressed in politics. Thought they haven’t fully dominated the political field, they have made drastic changes to the field. Before, women were not to dare speak of politics or voting, however, now women have the God given right to vote and elect their political officials. Women also have been entering into the government and business something they weren't able to do before.
          In addition, women are now respected ever since the ratification of the 19th amendment. The 19th amendment states “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States by any state on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.” It basically meant that citizens shall have the right to vote, no matter what their gender is. This gave women the right to become equals as men within society. Now because of the women’s suffrage movement, women are respected. The amendment also provided women with equality, liberty, and the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness.